
Disclaimer website
This website provides general information about the products and services of Noralicious. The information on this website is composed and maintained by us with continuous care and attention. However, mistakes cannot always be prevented. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the information provided on this website. We do not accept any liability for damages that result in any way from the use of this website, the incompleteness and/or incorrectness of information provided on this website, the (temporary) unavailability of the website.

The information on this website should not be considered as concrete advice for an individual person. If you want more information about certain products, please consult the appropriate (medical) professional person.

This website contains references and/or hyperlinks to other websites that are not controlled by us. Those websites are selected by us in good faith and for information purposes for the users of its website. We do not provide any warranty nor do we accept any liability with respect to the content, the use or the availability of such websites.

Intellectual property rights
All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks rights and database rights with respect to the information, texts, images, logos, photographs and illustrations on this website and with respect to the layout and design of this website are vested in Noralicious and/or our licensees. The reproduction and/or making available in any way or form of (parts of) the contents of this website without prior written consent of us is not allowed.

22 October, 2024